
Listen to Dave Goddard's talk at this free online event

Powering the UK’s Advanced Modular Reactor Ambitions with Coated Particle Fuels

To meet its net zero target the UK Government has identified a need for significant expansion of the current nuclear fleet, which may in part be achieved through deployment of high temperature gas reactors which operate at much higher temperatures than conventional light water reactors. Such reactors can, in addition to electricity production, provide high temperature heat directly to decarbonise industrial processes as well as enabling efficient hydrogen production.

Powering these reactors are coated particle fuels, an all-ceramic fuel form in which the fissile uranium is encapsulated within pyrocarbon and silicon carbide layers. Billions of these millimetre-sized particles must be made to exacting specifications in a cost-effective manner. While the UK was a pioneer in this fuel technology in the 1960s, a significant effort is now required to establish a manufacturing capability for the UK to provide security in its own fuel supply. 

In this talk Dave Goddard will provide an insight into the manufacture of coated particle fuels and elaborate on some of the challenges facing fuel manufacturers, as well as the supply chain for high assay low enriched uranium, which is required for these fuel designs. Recent developments in the technology and a future perspective will also be presented for this exciting next generation fuel.

Professor Dave Goddard, Senior Fellow at the National Nuclear Laboratory, UK.

Important Date:
Registration Deadline 23:59 Sunday 17 October 2023

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