The IOP Particle Accelerators and Beams Group (PABG) invite the community to a new two-day Annual Conference, which will be the UK’s premier national event in the field of particle accelerators. The scientific programme will feature plenary and keynote talks, panel discussions, parallel sessions and a poster session, to facilitate discussions of all the latest developments in the field. The conference is intended to bring the entire community together for two days of vibrant physics discussion, knowledge sharing and networking and we encourage participants at all career stages from PhD, through postdoc to senior professors.
This will be an in-person event, to take place on July 25 and 26, at the University of Liverpool. It will start at 11:00, with talks from 11:30, to allow for travel on the morning of the 25th. In the evening of the first day, there will be a drinks reception with poster session and a Conference dinner. The conference promises to be a very special event and we hope that you will join us for this long-needed inaugural UK conference!
We strongly encourage colleagues to submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation via the Abstract Submission link.
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