The workshop aims to bring together the principal researchers currently working on the development, characterisation and practical applications of non-evaporable getter (NEG) coatings and NEG coated vacuum vessels in accelerators as well as in other vacuum systems. It will also allow to discuss a few closely related problems with various surface coatings and treatment for UHV/XHV applications such as low secondary electron yield (SEY) coatings, low outgassing coating and treatments, etc. The workshop will provide an opportunity the exchange of knowledge and experience between those who study and use the vacuum properties of NEG and NEG coated vessels as well as those who prepare NEG films, surface physicists and manufacturers.
The Workshop is organised by Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (UKRI/STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK) with support of International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA) (, Institute of Physics (IoP) ( and commercial sponsors.
The Workshop will be held Radisson York Hotel (web link) located within the city walls of historic city York in United Kingdom.
This workshop will start on Monday 24th June 2024 at 8:00, and will finish on Thursday the 27th June at 18:00. There will be a reception on Sunday 23rd June evening. On Tuesday after Lunch, a half-day social trip followed by a Workshop Dinner will be organised, so to further foster discussions among participants.
This event is a satellite workshop for the joint 17th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-17) and 37th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-37), which takes place the previous week from 17-21 June in Harrogate, UK.
The Workshop sessions will include invited talks (~30 minutes each) and contributed talks (~15 minute) followed by 30-minutes open discussion. Participants are encouraged to come prepared to make 1-2 slide presentations during the discussion sessions.
There will be no poster session.
There will be no formal proceedings but participants are asked to provide the organiser with a copy of their overheads. These will be collated into a record of the Workshop, which will be distributed to participants accessible on the event website.
Participation in the workshop will be by invitation only. If you have not received a direct invitation from the organiser, please email them so that your name might be considered. Please state your interest in the workshop.
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission (Extended) 14th April 2024
Notification to abstract authors 24th April 2024
Deadline for early registration fee 26th April 2024
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