
Join us at our event focused on quantum computing and data centres. Whether you're a physicist, engineer, or innovator, this event is designed to satisfy your curiosity and deepen your understanding of quantum computing, the role that data centres play in this and how that can enable new applications. In addition, we are excited to introduce a technology access programme for external parties through the Digital Catapult, our co-organiser. This initiative addresses not only the internal operation of modern data centres but also the critical aspect of remote data and computing resource accessibility. Establishing a future-proof system that safeguards against conventional and quantum computing attacks will revolutionise how users interact with data and computing resources. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this transformative journey, as quantum computing paves the way for a future filled with infinite possibilities and how you can access this technology. 

This event will be available to attend in-person as well as online. In person spaces are limited. 

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