
The event will consist of two parts, attendees can attend one or both:

  • Day 1-2: user training of the various techniques required for image-based simulation
  • Day 3-4: user and developer forum with keynote talks, presentations and networking opportunities

This event is intended for attendees from both academia and industry regardless of whether they are experienced users of image-based simulation or are newly interested in this powerful technique.

To browse presentation material and photo galleries from past IBSim-4i events, please see our sister site: https://ibsim.co.uk/events/past-events/ 

Image-Based Simulation for Industry (IBSim-4i) is organised by the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, Swansea University and the Institute of Physics (IOP) with support from EPSRC and CCPi Tomographic Imaging. Image-based meshing is the process by which 3D images (e.g., X-ray CT or laser scanning) are converted into ultra-high-resolution simulations. 3D imaging is increasingly being used in the industrial sector for inspection, non-destructive testing / evaluation (NDT/NDE) and metrology but image-based simulation is still an underutilised technique. Our aim is that the activities of IBSim-4i will facilitate a wider adoption of image-based simulation and provide a platform to discuss the cutting-edge developments in the field.

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