Daniel Kenning

Daniel provides the tools to enable driven individuals to become effective agents of change. Most people know WHY change is needed, he shows them HOW to design and implement the right changes.

He is an engineer, environmentalist, visionary, teacher and co-founder of Transition Engineering. After starting a degree in Physics and finishing a degree in Engineering, his background is new product development engineering at Ford and Visteon, where he became a Sustainability Specialist. Later in the construction sector he created guidelines in sustainability for the built environment. In 2001 he founded Splendid Engineering, to help clients establish a future vision consistent with the changing future operating environment. He Chaired the IMechE “Energy Environment and Sustainability Group” for 7 years and in 2013 co-founded The Global Association for Transition Engineering (GATE), a professional membership association to help others to bring about the right changes in the right direction to achieve sustainability. Sustainability he defines as “the capacity to continue”, part of his mission to avoid the harm of greenwash.

Daniel specialises in whole-system change towards sustainability, and the exciting opportunities for engineering solutions when non-engineering change is included. In 2003 he built the Splendid Eco-Car project, working with the car-sharing community to develop a new approach to whole-system design that enables a far bigger impact on than just product-level re-design. In 2013 he co-authored the IMechE Transport Hierarchy that captures this whole-system approach to making transport work within future constraints.

Apart from engineering for sustainability, Daniel has three children, keeps chickens and bees and a miscellany of bicycles, he’s a parish councillor, publishes the parish magazine and dances with Thaxted Morris Men.


IMechE Transport Hierarchy:


Transition Engineering and why History isn’t Bunk Any More

Historical Imperative: Why we created Transition Engineering in response to the historical moment of inflection through which we are living, Historical Precedents: Transition Engineering in the historical context of the emergence of other corrective disciplines, and Historical Learning: how practitioners of Transition Engineering learn from history to help find a path to a sustainable future. I will introduce why the study of the history of complex engineered systems is a critical element to dealing with wicked problems and the absence of the capacity to continue in complex systems, and to securing a human-safe future.

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