Professor Amalia Patanè

Professor Amalia Patanè studied at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” where she graduated with first class honours in Physics in 1994 and obtained a PhD in 1997. In 2002 she was appointed Lecturer in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Nottingham, and later promoted to Associate Professor (2006), Professor of Physics (2011) and Director of Research (2019-Present). Her research focuses on the science and technologies of semiconductors. She has worked on quantum systems using high magnetic fields at Nottingham and at the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL, She has initiated and led the process and funding by which the EMFL is now available as an EPSRC National Research Facility (NRF) to UK-based scientists working in several fields (semiconductors, magnetism, correlated systems, topological insulators, fluid dynamics, drugs, etc.). As a member of the EMFL Council and NRF Director (2015-Present), she has contributed to the development of the EMFL facilities and their access by a diverse community. Her achievements were recognized by the Sir Charles Vernon Boys Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics (2007), an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship (2004/2009), a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (2017/19), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President’s International Fellowship (2018/19) and an Honorary Professorship at the Institute of Semiconductors (2018-Present, CAS, Beijing).

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