Dr Ioannis Rousochatzakis

Ioannis obtained his bachelor’s degree in Physics and MSc diploma in theoretical condensed matter Physics at the University of Crete (1995-2001). He obtained his PhD in condensed matter Physics at Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory (DOE) in 2005. He has held postdoctoral research positions at EPF Lausanne (2006-2009), MPI-PKS and Leibniz IFW in Dresden (2009-2014), and at the University of Minnesota (2014-2018). He is a lecturer in Physics at Loughborough University since 2018. His current research interests are in the general area of quantum magnetism and frustrated magnets, classical and quantum spin liquids, and the microscopic modelling of pertinent materials using analytical and numerical methods. His research on detecting fractionalized excitations in strongly correlated magnets has been funded by US DOE and currently by EPSRC. 

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