Dr Cameron Dashwood

Cameron received his PhD in 2022 from UCL, where he worked with Des McMorrow at the London Centre for Nanotechnology. During his PhD he studied a number of 4d and 5d transition-metal oxides, using neutron and x-ray scattering at large facilities to characterise their coupled degrees of freedom. He has worked on the magnetism of the layered perovskite ruthenates, and on the structure and lattice dynamics of various iridates. He has been especially involved in developing resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) as a probe of electron-phonon coupling, and in establishing strain-tuning setups at neutron and x-ray beamlines. Cameron has also been involved in a large collaboration that pioneered time-resolved RIXS measurements at x-ray free electron lasers in the US and Japan. 

 Since leaving UCL, Cameron has moved to the University of Cambridge for a year to study philosophy of science. There he has worked on philosophical issues related to condensed matter physics, including analogical reasoning, the ethics and epistemology of collaborative research, and the emergence of quasiparticles. He is hoping to return to physics when he leaves Cambridge and is currently looking for a postdoc.

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