3pm – 4pm (GMT)/ 6pm-7pm (EAT)
3 November 2022
Strengthened capacity and capability in Physics in Africa is needed for many climate science adaptation solutions, including the prediction of future rainfall; understanding the effects of temperatures and humidities on human activities; and bespoke data-driven climate services for diverse communities. This requires a body of African experts with the scientific, data handling and communication skills to co-produce solutions with their communities.
In the run up to COP27, we revisit the pledge made by the world’s
nations at COP26 promising $100 billion to address climate change in the
developing world. There is now an opportunity to develop partnerships with
countries that are seeing the effects of climate change, as well as fulfilling
international priorities emerging from COP26.
Through the Africa UK Physics Partnership the Institute of
Physics aims to assist African countries to develop the capacity to find their
own solutions to the effects of climate change.
We have brought together a panel of experts who are
witnessing the real impact of climate change in their own countries to hear how
they are working to combat these challenges. The session will explore
these issues within the context of the Africa-UK Physics Partnership programme
and the much-needed investment in physics skills and research.
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