The IOP Medical Physics Group is providing an opportunity
to explore Careers in the Application of Physics to Medicine through two remote
afternoon sessions.
The 1st November will be an Introduction to
Careers in Medical Physics. Physics plays a vital role in medicine,
contributing in a host of ways from fundamental research to technology
development to healthcare delivery. The session will introduce you to the
varied world of the application of physics to medicine – giving you an overview
of the breadth of the field. There is no such thing as a typical career in
medical physics, but Dr Tracy Underwood will provide an example of just how
diverse a career in medical physics ca be. We will also be hosting a custom
career skills workshop about how to identify what career is right for you
and how to succeed in your career goals – this workshop will be tailored to
what support attendees would like so please complete the optional questions
when you register to get the most out of this event.
The 8th of November will be an Early Career
Showcase. These sessions will give you the opportunity to hear from a range of
early career scientists who are applying their physics degree to medicine
clinically and through research or industry roles. They will give you a
first-hand account of what it’s like to work in medical physics, why they do
what they do, and how they got where they are. Most importantly, there will
also be plenty of time for you to ask questions and discuss the different
options with people who were in the same situation as you just a few years ago.
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